Colombia is a large country (twice the area of France), that’s why travelling by plane between the big cities (eg. Bogota and Medellin) is very common.
The two other most popular transportation systems are the bus and the collective taxi (« collectivos ») for the least fortunates.
Traveling by plane is not different from Europe or the US, but travelling by bus in the outskirts of the cities reveals that poverty (and sometimes extreme poverty) is still present in Colombia.
It was heart breaking to see loose end kids and adults sitting in the shadow of their little cabins surrounded by thousands of plastic bottles and other kinds of garbages.
In front of these scenes, I could not avoid the question « What could I do for these people ? »
And my first feelings were ones of sadness and helplessness.
I realize that the only way I could have a chance to bring any value to them would be to start developing some communication skills and other skills like the ones Mother Theresa developed during her fantastic journey in Calcutta.
But is this part of my Dharma? Do I have the time, the motivation and the energy to do this? No.
Therefore, the question comes back « What can I do for these people ? »
Here is the positive answer I found : as my “World Without” is an exact reflexion of my “World Within”, it is clear that I have a thing in my “World Within” that is causing the scenes of poverty I witnessed in Colombia.
Therefore, it is my duty to find and heal that thing in me. For this, I have all the energy I need. And when I will succeed, these scenes will disappeared forever, not only for me, but for the whole planet Earth.
How could this really happen? While healing my “World Within”, I am positively influencing some people who are in direct contact with me…As a result, they will then in turn positively influence people in their area of influence…and this will propagate until some people with the skills and the Dharma to physically help the poor people in Colombia and elsewhere in the world will be touched and will operate.
You see, all the thoughts of all human beings combined are forming huge egregores which are influencing each of us at the individual level, for the good as for the bad.
That’s why the quality of our thoughts is so vital, not only for us alone, but for the entire humanity.
And that’s why I love so much MKMMA, which is raising our consciousness to a point where we are able to realize and understand these simple principles…and even more importantly, to act upon them.
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