Gary said it the best about the end of the 6 month MKE journey, so I share his last post again:
“The MKMMA class of 24 weeks is over. We had a tribe call and the graduation webinar with Mark J in a tuxedo! Congratulations were given for all of us who completed what we started. Why shouldn’t there be congratulations? This was a commitment!
Reading our Definite Major purpose (400 words or less) which we wrote, re-wrote, changed, finessed, and struggled over, three times a day for six months. We read a scroll from Og Mandino’s the Greatest Salesman three times a day for a month. Crossing out the word “will” in the scroll on the fifteenth of the month. Starting a new scroll on the first of each month. We copied the Blue Print Builder in our own handwriting and read that once a day.
We read a lesson from Charles Haanel’s Master Key system every day. We sat in silence for at least 15 minutes a day , every day for 6 months. We also did many mind and thought provoking exercises over the six months. We had a two hour seminar on Sunday afternoons every week but 3. We wrote a couple hundred index cards and reviewed them frequently.
This is the most demanding and satisfying class I have ever done. Many people have noticed a big change in me. I have noticed a huge change in me! I have learned how to get what I want effortlessly and it is working! There is no need in this world to worry about really anything. We are what we think about. We are where our thoughts have taken us. If you don’t like where you are you can change it! It is not easy, but it took me over 60 years to get where I was. I didn’t like where I was or who I was becoming. But I changed course in six months. I am not finished, but I am on the right path and I now know it is up to me to be who I want to be. Anyone can change if they want to and the first thing to do is get rid of that “stinking thinking”. This course does this over a six month period, one step at a time and it works. So now what? Are we on our own?
No! You can become a life member and continue the study and have a host of other benefits for a fee! I am in! I would have paid three times as much!! Maybe not Three times as much, After all, I am a Vermonter!”
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