Everybody knows (at least in the MKMMA community) that our World Without is an exact reflexion of our World Within.
But although this is an absolute truth that suffers no exception, we sometimes come into situations where this truth is still hard to swallow.
It is one of these situations that I met yesterday and that I want to briefly tell you about.
Spring time has arrived since a few days in our place, and as in every other place in the world, spring is the best time for airing, cleaning and refreshing the house.
That is probably why, last Sunday, Françoise and me, without any preconcert, we put the same action on our Service Card : to clean and to tidy up the 400 sq feet cellar in which we have accumulated all sorts of stuffs since many years.
The plan was simple : taking everything out of the cellar and lining the stuffs up in the backyard – hopefully out of view from the neighbours-, eliminate the useless objects, clean the other ones and put them back into the cellar.
In just two hours, the all surface of the backyard was full of stuffs emanating a diffusive smell of humidity and mold.
Chaos would look like an exquisite Japanese garden in comparison.
And now, I have in front of me an unexpected image of my World Within ! Gulps.
Thus, if this is an image of my World Within (or a part of it, after all, Françoise has contributed to this mess too :), then I clearly have some more inside cleaning to do.
But there is also a good news : if the cellar is now clear and clean, isn’t that also a reflexion of my (new) World Within ?!
Yepee ! My brain has been washed !
So from now on, as the Universe does not consider vacuum as an option, I am redoubling my vigilance about what I let in my World Within.
Hopefully I have MKMMA as a great way to help me selecting the right inputs.
Thank you Mark, Davene, Trish and the rest of the Dream Team to help us keeping our cellars ordered and clean 🙂
Feel Good,
Yes, world within and world without….powerful metaphor you have given us this week. Thank you.
who says spring cleaning is just for the house! great analogy loved the post
Terrific metaphor! Thanks for sharing!
Denise and I have been looking forward to spring as well and yes have some serious cleansing to accomplish with the great habits we are doing daily thanks to MKMMA.
This is so true. Congratulation for your cleaning, In and Outside.