Everybody has heard many times the « Dream big » recommendation to create a worthy life.

Some people are doing their best to integrate this « Dream big » idea in their daily life.

And sometimes, a rare individual has dreams that are so « big » that they surpass the biggest dreams that most people can conceive in their imagination…and he or she has the talent and the grit to achieve them.

Elon Musk is one of these rare individuals.Elon Musk

If you don’t know him yet, he co-founded PayPal (he sold his shares later on to launch all his following projects), created the full electric Tesla car, and founded SpaceX, with the goal of creating cities on planet Mars and helping make humanity a multi-planet species!

Don’t think he is crazy…The Tesla is on the market today, and he has already developed his own rocket, which can send several men in space, then be recovered on a plateform in sea to be reused.

Last day, I found an inspiring video in which he is revealing a bit of his extraordinary character.

That’s what I wanted to share here, because I believe that the MKMMA experience contains all the tools that could allow each of us to build our character in direction to Elon’s character…

That’s all I wish to happen for you and me !

Here are a few of his inspiring beliefs :

Life cannot just be about solving problems ; there have to be things that are inspiring and exciting, and that make you glad to be alive.

There are certain important things that we must do in order for the future to be good.

When something is important enough, you do it, even if the odds are not in your favor.

My drive to get it done is somewhat disconnected from hope, enthousiasm, motivation or anything else. I just give everything I’ve got, irrespective of what the circumstances may be.

Thank you for your example, Elon, and God bless you!



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