Twenty consecutive weeks of practicing MKMMA, daily readings, weekly blog, posts, exercises,  meditations, sharing.

A program of Life.

Everyone knows that any self-development program requires discipline, observation, a real desire to grow, and create new habits.

Here’s the story that I experienced this week and I want to share it.

Luc and I have been married for 36 years. This means that for 36 years we live together, we share our daily life .

Some days ago, during the lunch, I was sitting in front of Luc and I saw what I had never seen before ….

Mystery ….. his look was so soft, joyful, pure and tender ; is it the look of my husband and life’s companion for so long!


The busy life we ​​have led during many years, had never given me the time to watch the loved man I have in front of me.

This caused me a lot of questions. How is it possible that I ‘ve never noticed ? is it because Luc has changed so much as his eyes turned ? is it me with the mirror effect who have changed so much? …..

This is one component of the effect of 20 weeks MKMMA practice . Impressive isn’t it ?

Take the time to look at the eyes of the one in front of you. Who do you see?


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