I recently talked to a former student of the MKMMA program, who was sharing a current challenge she was facing in her life.

During the conversation, I realized that she had been happy to accomplish the whole MKMMA program without failing to do all the exercises, but that she had not considered the possibility to do the program again…

I could not understand in the moment why she didn’t see how repeating the program might have continued to raise her consciousness until she found a way to overcome her challenge…

That was until last Monday, and a discovery I made about myself while reading for the last time in my 4th MKMMA session, Og Mandino’s Scroll IV, « I am nature’s greatest miracle »

Since I discovered the MKMMA program four years ago, I had probably read Scrool IV approximately 345 times…and during all these years, I took the following sentences as granted:

« I will (…) proclaim my uniqueness in the world » and « I will place my uniqueness on display in the market place…I will begin now to accent my differences… »

That Monday, I was hit by an obvious question that I had never asked myself during any of my 345+ readings: what REALLY is this uniqueness in me and what REALLY are these differences in me that I am supposed to display and to accent on the market place?!

Four years with such a simple and so important question about myself in front of my eyes, literally word for word (just the question mark missing!), and not seeing it…


How could we see what’s in our “blind spots”?

That could only be a kind of « blind spot », an evidence about ourself that any ordinary person could see, but not us.

Our Old Blueprint is good at creating such blind spots, and that is probably why the student I was mentioning above never thought of pursuing her MKMMA training for another year.

And what about you ? Do you know all your « blind spots ? »

Of course not, otherwise it would not be blind spots for you!

That is why it is so precious to keep going with the MKMMA and/or any other means which allows us to work in masterminds.

We must live our life by ourself, but we cannot do it alone.

That’s why I consider the MKMMA program and the large number of rich and beautiful people involved in it (staff, guides and students all together) as a wonderful and irreplaceable resource to help me grow!

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