In the MKMMA program, week two is PPN week…a discovery for most students and the beginning of a new quest for self awareness.
The student is invited to select in a list of seven core motives, the PPNs or Personal Pivotal Needs, the two most important core motives that are driving most of his/her choices and decisions in the daily life.
Not easy to identify the two core motives that drive all our actions…hopefully, there is a procedure which relies on the knowledge of the core desires by the subconscious mind and the body.
We write down the seven PPNs (refer to the webcast to find what they are 🙂 ) on a piece of paper, take a pencil in our non dominant hand (ie. the opposite hand as the one we use to write), then we close the eyes for a few seconds to bring quieteness in the mind, then in an instant and without giving any space to the mind, we surround the two PPNs on the paper…
This process has been scientifically proven efficient to overcome all kinds of resistance from the subconscious mind, and for most MKMMA students, it is the first time they use it.
It was for me too, when I did this exercise two years ago…and like almost everyone, I was soon questioned by my old blueprint about the appropriateness of my choices, with its cascade of mixed feelings, questions and doubts… « I don’t recognize myself in these PPN choices… », « Is this really me ?… », « what if I choosed the wrong PPNs ? » (as if a wrong choice could really be made in this matter), « I believe this is not a good PPN for me, am I allowed to change ? », etc., etc.
The members of my group are also challenged by this « self-interrogation » process about their PPNs, as it is directly expressed in their rich and marvelous blogs.
And this drives me to an astonishing observation : we are all living with ourselves since several decades (I mean since we were born :), and this simple fact should have given us the time to learn who we are and what are our core motives…
Hence, as soon as we are faced with the task to identify these core motives, hesitations and self doubts are overcoming certainty and self confidence…
Isn’t this a great way to show how practical and profound this MKMMA training is, as it allows us to apply the famous quote of Socrates inviting each human being to « Know Thyself » !
thanks for coming back and being an inspiration to us newbies! I am looking forward to this journey!