A few days ago, a new distributor – let’s call her Barbara – shared an experience that brought me a great insight.

Here is what happened.

While leading a « 10 minute coffee » with Barbara (for non-MLMers, this is a short friendly conversation with a prospect to discover their needs and wants), her prospect – say Sophie was her name – revealed to us that she would like to retrieve a nice circle of friends and relationships in her life.

Sophie was an artist and had recently divorced from a diplomat; she felt quite alone as she didn’t want to continue gathering with her old circle of relations, because she found the conversations futile and interestless.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, hamonious and happy.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, hamonious and happy.

She also expressed her desire to strengthen her financial situation.

We had thus a perfect case for an invitation to a business opportunity presentation, a Hero’s journey in gestation!

Unfortunately, during the 45 minute meeting, Sophie was not only showing an evident lack of interest, but she also raised multiple times her eyes to heaven, in front of her increasingly embarrassed friend.

Barbara didn’t sleep that night!

She felt so guilty to have brought her friend Sophie in this « terrible experience »!

The next morning, she nearly called Sophie to apologize, but fortunately she didn’t.

She had sufficient self awareness to realize that she was « not guilty » and that the behavior of Sophie was not of her concern.

Sophie’s desire for change was just not strong enough to surmount her prejudices against « an artist doing a sales business for a living.»

When Barbara told me about her « white night » experience, she said something that hit me: « I just realized how much a minor event like this and the behavior of a single person can deeply impact my emotional, bringing me to do unwanted actions, including to ruin in an instant my dearest project in life! » (I paraphrased here).

Looking « objectively » from outside, Barbara is on a good track – a strong purpose, a clear mind, specific goals, a plan to achieve them, and people around her to support her endeavor.

On the opposite, Sophie is suffering from solitude, and is desoriented and insecure in her current life.

Sophie’s unconsciously arrogant behavior had nearly destroyed the self confidence of Barbara, at the very moment Barbara was offering her a reliable solution to her discomforts.

Can you somehow relate to Barbara’s feelings during and just after that business opportunity meeting, and during the night which followed?

What if a dearest friend or an admired person would have with us the same behavior as Sophie with Barbara?

Well, a few months ago, I found a simple and powerful way to become absolutely unshakeable, immune, invincible against such « emotional attacks »!

That way is called « I am enough. »

I am enough because I have in myself all what I need to feel good and to live a good, purposeful life : I have and I find in myself, for myself and for the others, enough love, enough confidence, enough respect, enough trust, enough persistence and enough faith.

Now that we will soon be MKMMA veterans, we know that this is not just an assumption, this is a FACT. WE ARE ENOUGH.

But everybody knows that knowledge does not apply itself, so how are we going to engrain the knowledge of this fact in the subby?


Repeating « I am enough » enough times every day (eg. 25 or 50 times) and meditating on the insight of this affirmation will do the job sooner or later; it’s just a matter of patience and…persistence.

Feel good,


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