Do you know that the universe is continuously conspiring for our highest good, and that one of its favorite strategies is the convergence of informations from all kind of sources?

Everybody knows that skeptical people will ask for proofs when exposed to such a statement, and the truth is that proofs are everywhere around them, including in their own life, but they don’t see them!

Same for us, when we let our Old Blueprint keeping the control of our present moment.

Hopefully, the universe has persistence, and if we are earnest in our desire to cooperate with it at the best of our faculties, we always end up hearing its message!

It happened to me again Saturday.

It was about my sleeping habits…

I already shared in Week 4 about my struggle to recreate the habit to go to bed at a “reasonable time” (which was for me anytime before midnight)…

On Saturday, I got an important message from my friend and Ayurvedic doctor, Anne Verbist, about the vital importance of respecting the temporal cycles of our body, if we want to keep and improve the quality of the connection with our higher self…

sleepI got a fascinating lesson from her on how our pineal gland is directing the rythms of our body in connection with nature and the cosmos…

And among all the key informations she gave me was this one: the best way and time to connect with our soul and spirit is to be asleep between 10pm and midnight…that’s the period of the day where our brain has the best chances to reach Theta and Gamma wave lengths, exactly the ones used to communicate with our higher levels of consciousness.

And finally, the “coup de grâce”…

Chapter 12 of the Master Key contained another precious indication from the universe: in Section 25, “… Power comes through repose. …” BAM!

This is my third year of reading the Master Key, and these four words were the only ones in Section 25 that I had NOT highlighted with my special fluo pencil…I read them the whole week without paying attention to them…and now they have become the four most important words of the whole Masterkey System!

See how it works? Fascinating, isn’t it?

Do you think I will follow the message from the universe?

You bet I will!

Indeed, I said it, the universe has persistence, so when its nice and gentle signals continue to be ignored, it soon come to more harsh and painful means to attract our attention…And I want to stay away from that kind of experience…

In conclusion, you thus know from now on where to find me with the highest probability from 10pm every day: sleeping in my bed 🙂



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