What is easier?

To gain weight or to loose weight?

To watch TV or to do workouts?

To yield to instant gratification or to delay gratification?

To let life go by hoping it will be better tomorrow or to learn how to live a meaningful life NOW?

I know that you know the answers and that your are also for what is wiser, not easier, because you have chosen to read this post.

But there are also tons of gurus and self-help specialists out there who also know there are a few people like you, ready to buy their magic bullet or their “three secrets to the life of your dreams.” I’ve been one of their clients too, for many years and for a significant part of my earnings…

Of course, none of these magic bullets or special secrets work…I mean, they do for 2 or 3 people out of 1,000, but for the vast majority, these training are doomed to failure.

Does it mean they are useless? Absolutely not.

They are even an integral part of the process. Which process? The process of mastering our life, no more, no less.

Let me illustrate with a little metaphor.

walking2When babies are learning how to walk, they first stand up…then fall. Stand up again…fall again…stand up…fall…stand up…fall…again…and again…and again.

Same thing for us, when we go to a “Secret of life” seminar and pay $1,000 for it, it’s because we want to stand up in our ability to master our life…and at the end of the training, we proudly stand up indeed…then two or three days later, when all the enthusiasm and excitement has been wiped out by the real life, we fall again.

Now, it would take years for babies to learn how to walk if they would not receive at some stage some help from their caretakers; and after a while, they will indeed grab a finger of an adult – and later on two fingers, one in each hand – and they will eventually be able to make several consecutive steps without falling.

Of course, after a minute or two, they will release the fingers and fall again…But it is just a matter of time now, because they found the procedure to go further and they will solicit the fingers again and again until that day where they will release the fingers and…remain standing, and, finally, walk by themselves!

That’s why the expression “self-help”, whether it deals with learning how to walk or with life mastery, is very misleading; the “self-help industry” is just…an industry.

Because in the area of life mastery, something more is needed: a thing which could play the role of the two fingers…walking

I found that “thing” five years ago, and it is named the MKMMA program.

The acronym stands for “Master Key Mastermind Alliance”, and it is a long term training based on solid, scientifically proven methods to assist earnest people to master their life.

I was a “baby” when I discovered that program, and I could grab the fingers of some “adults” each time I needed them to progress in my learning, and today, it’s me who gives my fingers to learners who are ready and willing to grab them…

I really encourage you to invest a few more minutes of your life to discover these very instructive videos: http://bit.ly/MKMMAisLife

Do it now, because the program is open to student application only until Saturday 22th of September, and the next opportunity will be offered in one year from now.

The program is NOT for sale, it is a pay-it-forward scholarship and candidates must only fulfill a simple application process and pay 1$ (for legal reasons)…If you feel ready and free, go for it!

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