There are two types of people in the world: those who are always ready to learn; and those who “know it all” whatever the topic and the person they are talking with.
If you do not recognize you for sure in the “Learners”, then it means you are in the “Know it all’s”!
Before you stop reading because of this rather harsh provocation of mine, please read this: most “Know it all’s” are not guilty of it, but just conditioned, I mean, they have been conditioned to behave that way…and I am part of them too!
Actually, most of us are permanently going back and forth between the “Learner” and the “Know it all” states of mind, depending on the kind of
conditioning and on which topics we went through since we are born.
For example, I am for sure a “Learner” when it comes to discover new things about myself, so I’m always open to self-development.
On the other hand, there are various areas in my life where I still behave like a “Know it all”, because of my subconscious programs, ie. these mixtures of thoughts, feelings and beliefs ingrained in the subconscious mind, sometime since a very long time ago.
Most of the time, we don’t see these programs nor even detect their related “Know it all” behavior, it’s like the dead angle in the rear-view mirror of our car.
That’s why we need help from other people who have another angle of view than us, otherwise we would stay stuck for the rest of our life.
And here comes the real challenge for many of us: what if some of our “Know it all” programs prevented us from asking for help, and what should we do to restore our full capacity of asking for help and receiving it with gratitude?
Each one of us must find their own answer to this question, but for me, a combination of humility (surmounting the egotistic feeling of “you don’t deserve it”), courage (overcoming the ego-driven fear of looking ignorant or ridicule) and skills (eg. detecting the symptoms of my “Know it all” attitude in my own language: the “I know BUT…” or “Yes BUT…”) has worked best so far to help me release my resistance to asking for and receiving help.
I should add that the MKMMA training accelerated my digging up of all these ingredients from my inner self, and I believe it could very well do the same for you, although your key ingredients might well be different than mine!
In any case, progressively dissolving our “Know it all” behaviors by reinforcing our “Learner” behaviors is a Must, because if we want to continue to live well we must grow, and to continue to grow we must learn…
(The MKMMA training program will start again in just a few weeks, and here is a link to a great intro video explaining this unique approach to real success and happiness, I know you will love it! )
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