You are powerful beyond measure

WELCOME to my Master Key Experience Blog!


I invite you to join me in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance journey and to change many lives including yours FOREVER.


Come on and join us in this thrilling adventure restoring your own true power. You are powerful beyond measure, know it and own it!



MKE2019 – Week 4: The Tribe Calls

MKE2019 – Week 4: The Tribe Calls

Every year, between Week 2 and Week 3, we start the Tribe Calls. The first session is always special because no one in the group knows exactly what will happen. Its main objective is just to allow the members of the Tribe to meet « in real », which means for a zoom...

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MKE2019 – Week 1: The Choice

MKE2019 – Week 1: The Choice

Every year, when it is time to start the MKE with the new members, I wonder who I will meet in my Tribe, and how many of them will show up after the first-week webinar. Because not everyone is ready to jump into such an experience, the MKE Hero's Journey, and it...

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