This is the first week without webcast.

Since I started the MKMMA as a student until now in my fifth year as a guide, I’ve always noticed the great caution with which Mark and Davene are preparing the members to go through that period « safely ».

I mean, safely for their Hero’s Journey, always threatened by their Old Blueprint hidden in ambush and waiting for a sign of inattention or weakness to hit!

Nine weeks from the beginning of the training is not long enough to bring you out of reach of the Old Blueprint.

Maybe you lived the same thing already: it’s Saturday, and after a hard week John give himself permission to stay a little longer in his bed…But when he gets up, it is just the time to start the tasks planned for the day and he skips his MKE daily routines…

« It’s just for this time » or « you’ll do it before lunch » says…his Old Blueprint!

Then comes Sunday morning and the behavior repeats itself, nearly unnoticed, as if John had already forgotten his promise.

Hopefully there is the Sunday webcast to bring John back into the rails of his Hero’s Journey.

During the first weeks of the MKE, without a weekly webcast to help John, his Hero’s Journey could vanish like a sand castle left alone in front of the tied of his Old Blueprint!

But the goal is by no means to make John addict to the webcast either…that is NOT what we are looking for in this program.

Hence the first interruption in the regular webcast process. And the other interruptions that will follow later on.

And also the great care taken by Mark & Davene to prepare the members to « survive » in their first walk alone in the jungle…or in the wood with a wolf, like Little Red Riding Hood…or like a baby who is learning to walk and leaves the hand of his mother for the first time…

Choose the metaphore you like, and stay brave and confident : stick to your promises and listen to your heart, and everything will go well and you’ll stay safe until next week!

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