Freedom_of_choice_smallThe sentence which most frequently comes back in early versions of many member’s DMPs, usually connected with the earning of a large amount of money, is:

“I am free to choose whatever I want to do, whenever I want to.”

Unfortunately, this statement is totally useless because by no means it could convey anything useful to the author of the DMP.


For those who understand the language of the subconscious mind, the first obvious reason is that this statement is totally abstract: there is no way the subconscious mind could figure out what the person really wants, because the subconscious mind does not understand abstraction, nor can it deduce or induce anything suggested by the conscious mind, it is just not designed for this!

Now, there is another more essential reason why this statement is useless for the subconscious mind: every individual on planet earth IS ALREADY free to choose, or to state it differently, the subconscious mind of each individual on the planet IS ALREADY choosing freely, most of the time without the individual being conscious of it!

Let’s use an example to illustrate this: a man lives alone with two little kids and some misfortune made him running out of money; he now absolutely needs to find money to put some food on the table for him and the kids, and to do this, he has the choice between several options:

  • find a job and get a salary as an employee.
  • buy a lottery ticket and expect to win.
  • beg in the street.
  • borrow some money to a friend.
  • get a loan from a bank to launch his own company.
  • start a network marketing business.
  • rob a bank.
  • Etc.

However, what happens is that he chooses indeed, but mostly unconsciously, by unknowingly letting his subconscious mind do all the work. So if there is an inner program which tells his subconscious mind that he is an honest person, his subconscious mind will eliminate « rob a bank » as a possible choice; he would also eliminate « beg in the street » if some inner programs are promoting self pride and dignity; and so on…The final choice of the subconscious mind will eventually go to the solution promoted by the strongest inner programs…

This selection process is exactly the same for all topics of life, without a single exception.

Now the more difficult part to understand is this one: where is the freedom of choice if the subconscious mind is only choosing according to predetermined programs?Inner_world_small

Well, if the person is unable to modify her inner programs or to create new ones on demand, she has no choice at all, and she is doomed to live her whole life like a cork on the ocean…

On the other hand, if the person LEARNS HOW TO MODIFY the inner programs used by the subconscious mind to make all the decisions, then she may start to foresee a progressive recovery of her freedom of choice…

In conclusion, claiming the freedom of choice and the power to do “whatever we want” without being specific on WHAT we really want is useless, whether we have a lot of money or not, because all the decisions are made by the subconscious mind based on the SPECIFIC inner programs that are regularly ingrained in our inner world since our birth…

And reclaiming our freedom of choice becomes possible ONLY when we begin to state SPECIFICALLY what we want, AND when we have learned how to pass that information to our subconscious mind.

Hence, all the hard work at the beginning of the MKMMA 🙂

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