Every year, Week 16 of the MKMMA program is dedicated to Kindness.

And every member of the program, every guide, and every teacher is invited to focus on kindness during their daily life: noticing all acts of kindness occurring around, and “committing” as many random acts of kindness as possible during each day of the week.

After 3 days, I have already observed the awesome synchronicities that are triggered by such a big gathering of people all focused on the same thing: kindness.

It has happened every year since my first time in the MKMMA 5 years ago: everyone in the group Kindness2experiences a rise of kindness situations in their daily life.

This is logical of course, since anything we put our attention on increases!

But what is remarkable is that all the acts of kindness that are made during this special week have boomerang effects which often produce unexpected and incredible results.

My memory is short to report some of these spectacular effects from the previous years, but I promise that I will report for you in my next post some of the latest remarkable kindness stories which are going to happen this week!

And of course, what I wish from the bottom of my heart is that every one of you who are reading this post becomes addicted to kindness and is the hidden hero of one of these stories.

Why “hidden”? Because kindness works best when it is unnoticed and anonymous 🙂

Kind regards,


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