Week 18 Luc – “Panem et Circenses”

« Panem et Circenses » is a well known political slogan (meaning « Bread and Games ») characterizing the time of the Roman Empire, ruling Europe 2000 years ago. The idea was that, if the people got enough food on the table to nourrish their family and regular...

Week 17HJ Luc – “Where is the Beaf?”

Do you know why I am really happy to be in the mkmma experience? Because it’s helping me to THINK and to go inside of a thing (like in the Battleship exercise). Twice in a raw, I’ve been confronted to specific practices that do not serve our network...

Week 17 Luc – The Permission

Everybody knows the statement « To change the World, change Yourself. » And this is probably one of the most intriguing question for most people : « How could I do this ?! » For most people the World is what it is, and one must adapt or die. But, as you know, the...

Week 17 Françoise – A Story

Some progressive patterns of my life: Home, work, home, children, husband, parents, friends, holidays, sport…. I am trapped,  going round in a circle: Suddenly, a breach:   Three choices: Everything breaks The circle becomes a spiral Openness to life that leads...

Week 16 – Spiral of Kindness / Spirale de gentillesse

I imagine a small ball of energy which is developing in space, who begins to vibrate as the energy is strong, who continues to develop itself into a spiral that grows, grows, grows, out of sight. Everyone knows that the spiral is the origin of life and of the cosmos....

Week 16: Be Kind. Be Real.

Hello my friends ! Are you under massive attack of kindness this week? Well yes, there is massive kindness around us, but the word ‘attack’ doesn’t feel very kind, does it? So let say a massive emittance of kindness, which radiates its soft power...

Week 15 : We Are Enough!

A few days ago, a new distributor – let’s call her Barbara – shared an experience that brought me a great insight. Here is what happened. While leading a « 10 minute coffee » with Barbara (for non-MLMers, this is a short friendly conversation with a prospect to...

Week 15 : Best Wishes / Meilleurs Voeux

It is a tradition in Western countries to present our wishes to everyone we know, to each person we meet . ” 2014 has just begun, I wish you a Happy New Year, a good health and everything you want! ” I am pleased to add : ” But really, I’m just...

Week 14 – A Look / Un Regard

To prepare for 2014 , I watched the movie ” October Sky .” Remarkable ! There I found all the elements of the Hero’s Journey. Long-term vision to obsession , persistence, experience, learning from failures, permanent actions, enthusiasm, never give...