Week 11 – 45 seconds…To Get Persistence

Most people believe that persistence is a trait of character, and that some people have it naturally and some others don’t. But this is a false belief ! And « not quitting » is NOT persistence, it’s just « not quitting » ! The truth is that everyone may...

2014 Week 10 – 45 seconds…To Read With The Soul

Every Master Key student knows that our subconscious mind is fully responsive to our voice charged with emotion. This is why daily outloud reading of the Definite Major Purpose, Og’s scrolls and the Blueprint Builder are so critical to our success. The challenge...

2014 Week 9 – 45 Seconds…To Become a Better Operator

The Master Key System teaches us that all our circumstances in life are triggered in our subconscious mind. Until we discover this fact, we operate our life like « junkies » : we are fully addict to all the behaviors and believes ingrained in our « subby »! This is...

2014 Week 8 – 45 Seconds…To Make The Right Choice

It happens for most of us : an external event triggers our ego – eg. A bank clerk is unpleasant with us – and we react roughly. Everybody knows that this « stimulus-reaction » behavior is a vicious circle of negativity. Most people also know that it is possible to...

2014 Week 7 – 45 Seconds…To Clean Our Mind

The human brain has been conditioned to give more attention to the « negative » than to the « positive ». At the beginning of humanity, this made sense because it was a question of survival. But things have evolved, and in today’s world, this mind conditioning...