Week 1 – About Mountains and Trust

I am thrilled to start my 4th MKMMA session with 500 people all around the world enjoying the experience! Indeed, most people who have gone through the MKMMA at least once say that their life has changed forever. That said, I just realized they rarely share IN WHAT...

Week 21 – The Breath of Freedom

Already three years, during Week 21, that I am studying this fascinating chapter 21 of the Master Key System, and the first paragraph (21-1) continues more than ever to excite my desire to get the key to freedom, because that is truly what I’m after in...

Week 20 – The Devil Works for us!

For the post of this week, as it is a period of the MKMMA training where some members might be struggling with their old demons to stay on track (probably a desperate attempt of their old blueprint to regain control), I was curious to remember what I wrote myself in...