Week 11 – “Tomorrow, it will be better”

What is the biggest challenge of most MKMMA members during their Hero’s Journey? I got the answer to this question once again during our first tribe call, yesterday. It is the capacity to create the daily discipline of executing the sit, the readings and all the...

Week 10 – Trust Your Guide!

Last summer, I was enjoying climbing some beautiful mountains in the French Alps with my guide, when I lived a special experience which has become today one of my most valuable lessons in life. For our second mountain, my guide and me had left the refuge at 4:30am and...

Week 9: Back to the Basics…Again

Before writing my weekly blog, I sometimes read what I wrote when I was in my first year of MKMMA as a student. It usually helps me to assess the distance I have made thanks to the daily use of the MKMMA tools. Here is what I wrote 4 years ago…  ...

Week 7 – To Smell Or Not To Smell…Good!

Last Tuesday, I was attending a conference call of one of my business partners. He was promoting with enthousiasm the practice of daily exercises to continuously maintain and improve our positive mental attitude. He compared this practice with the one of taking care...