Weeks 16-17: A Kind Experience

January is the “family month” this year, for me! Indeed, after a beautiful week spent with my children and grand-children in the French Riviera (see previous post), I have been in Colombia for two weeks with the family of Françoise, my wife, for the...

Week 15 – Manifest Your Ideal!

I started 2017 on the best way I could ever dreamed of: a full week with my whole family in a beautiful environment. The place was Juan-les-Pins, on the French Riviera (Mediterranean coast), and although it’s winter time, the weather has been sunny and bright...

Week 14 – A new Life Style for 2017

“Your world without will be a reflexion of your world within” (The Master Key System, 14.30) “Learn to keep the door shut, keep out of your mind and out of your world, every element that seeks admittance with no definite helpful end in view”...

Week 13 : The Big Screen and the Little Square

We only see a very little part of all the amazing things which are going on in our being. As a comparison, suppose that all what’s going on in your being was displayed on a big TV or computer screen, and that what you can see is just a little square of 10 x 10...

Week 12 – Addiction can be good too

I love to do the reading of my DMP and the Og’s Greatest Salesman. I love it even so much after four years of practice, that I became addicted to it! For example, if I pass the door of my bedroom before my readings at night, I got an automatic thought which...